Hearing Aids

From larger devices that are easier to handle to tiny, invisible, or nearly invisible devices that are concealed within the ear canal, Emerald Coast Audiology has options sure to meet your hearing needs.

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Hearing Tests

Hearing impairment affects more than just your ability to hear — it affects your quality of life. Emerald Coast Audiology stresses the importance of an accurate and timely hearing test...

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Hearing Aid Repairs

Hearing Aid Repairs
Even if you take care of your hearing aids and keep up with regular maintenance, time takes its toll on all technology, and it’s possible that yours will eventually wear out through the course of normal use...

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Assistive Listening Device

Assistive Listening Devices are designed to help those with impaired hearing receive alerts or hear better by amplifying the sounds they create.

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Custom Hearing Protection

Hearing loss happens for many reasons, one of the most popular being exposure to loud noise (noise-induced hearing loss, or NIHL). Repeated exposure to sound levels above 85 decibels (the sound of a bulldozer) can cause permanent, irreparable hearing loss...

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Musician Monitors & Custom Earbuds

Custom earmolds with interchangeable attenuation filters that allow you to hear accurately, at reduced volumes, in high-noise environments.

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